Sektion wählt neuen Sprecher

Professor Dr. Christian Zörb, Fachgebiet Qualität pflanzlicher Erzeugnisse und Weinbau an der Uni Hohenheim. Foto: H. Zörb

Während der diesjährigen Botanik-Tagung an der Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg wählten die anwesenden Mitglieder Professor Dr. Christian Zörb (Uni Hohenheim) einstimmig zum neuen Sprecher der Sektion Angewandte Botanik. Der an Nutzpflanzen arbeitende Pflanzenphysiologe ist derzeit auch Schatzmeister der Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB). Er löst Professor Dr. Dirk Selmar ab (TU Braunschweig), der der Sektion seit ihrer Gründung im August 2015 vorstand. Professor Zörb dankte Professor Selmar herzlich für die vielen Jahre seines Engagements in der Sektion, das er nun für den wohlverdienten Ruhestand niederlegt. Der bisherige zweite Sprecher, Dr. Helmut Kassner (Hamburg), sowie die Schriftführerin, Professorin Dr. Jutta Papenbrock (Leibniz Uni Hannover) wurden in ihren Ämtern bestätigt - ebenfalls einstimmig.

Call for papers for a special section on Urban Botany

We invite submissions for a special section of its journal with the title "Applied botany in urban areas - Mitigation of climate change". Since plants in urban areas usually do not provide food, feed or raw materials but provide a wide range of ecosystem services to urban populations this section is planned to focus on these services. Please contribute to our understanding and further development of green cities and submit original research articles as well as reviews until 31st May 2024 to our Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (JABFQ).

Members of our Section are eligible to publish their paper open access without fees. More information including suitable topics for this special section are provided here 

Research for sustainability: Journal submissions / Symposium abstracts invited

Our Section Applied Botany announces the 2022 special section “Applied Botany for Sustainability” in their open access Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (JABFQ). The aim of this special section is to demonstrate how applied botany can contribute to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030". Some of those goals are SDG1 zero hunger, SDG12 responsible consumption and production and SDG15 life on land.

The Editors-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock, Dr. Andrea Krähmer and Dr. Heike Riegler invite everyone to participate by submitting a manuscript until August 31st, 2022.

In general, every topic that uses botany to work towards any of the Sustainable Development Goals is welcome. Those include but are not limited to plant cultivation techniques, effective or gentle harvesting regimes and techniques, novel storage solutions for plant commodities, biomass waste valorisation, landscape management, underutilized or neglected plant resources, biodiversity conservation, the use of wastewater for irrigation, heavy metal contaminated soils, radiation contamination, air pollution, all aspects of phytoremediation and many more. Further details can be found at the journal’s website.

This special section is also connected to the Symposium “Applied Botany for Sustainability” by our Section at this year’s International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences in Bonn, Germany (28th August to 1st September 2022). If you plan to contribute to the Symposium, we invite you to submit a connected manuscript to our JABFQ until May 31st, 2022.

Like always, no publication charges are raised for members of our Section Applied Botany.

Submissions invited: Trade-offs between sustainability and yield/food security

Our Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (JABFQ) will take the different trade-offs in agriculture and food production into account with a special section entitled "Product quality and consumer behavior in the area of conflict between sustainability and crises". In this issue of our Section Applied Botany contributions from the 54th annual conference of the annual conference of the German Society for Quality Research of Plant-Based Foods (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung pflanzlicher Nahrungsmittel e.V., DGQ) will be published. At the same time, this section is open to contributions from international authors. Any manuscripts that address the trade-off between sustainability on the one hand and yield/food security on the other are welcome. Articles may be focused on individual parts or cover the entire chain from farm to fork. We especially welcome discussion and review articles, which may also include economic, political or social aspects.
The following is a non-exclusive list of appropriate topics related to plant food products:
- Fruit and vegetables in times of climate change and lock-downs
- Global trade vs. local production
- Food waste, pre and post production
- Dietary styles and sustainability
- Consumer behavior
- Product quality/ Fruit and vegetable quality
- Stored product protection under changing climate
If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, feel free to send an abstract for pre-evaluation to Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock or one of the other Editors-in-Chief. Submission will be open until 31th July 2021. Accepted manuscripts will be published within this year.

To JABFQ's website:


JABFQ-Ausgabe zu Ehren Reinhard Liebereis

Das Herausgeber-Team unseres Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (JABFQ) dankt Prof. Dr. Reinhard Lieberei posthum für seine Verdienste mit einer Sonderausgabe des Journals. Lieberei war langjähriger Präsident der Vereinigung für Angewandte Botanik, aus der unsere Sektion hervorging. Neben seinem erfolgreichen Wirken in der Wissenschaft war Lieberei mehrere Jahre als Editor-in-Chief für unser Journal verantwortlich. Die aktuelle Special Section fasst die Aufsätze seiner ehemaligen Schüler und Weggefährtinnen zusammen, die das breit gefächerte wissenschaftliche Werk von Lieberei anschaulich umreißen:

  • Opinion: The accustomed inconsistency in biochemical ecology – Enhanced knowledge of the evolution and function of natural products frequently implies teleological misinterpretations
    by Dirk Selmar
  • Histological and cytological comparison of seed structures of heobroma cacao, T. grandiflorum and T. bicolor relevant to post-harvest processing and product quality
    by Silke Elwers, Reinhard Lieberei
  • Protein content and glucosinolates from Moringa oleifera Lam. – New insights into an auspicious commodity
    by Laura Lewerenz, Heinrich Heinrichs, Johann Hornbacher, Jutta Papenbrock, Binh Nguyen-Thanh, Dirk Selmar
  • Besides variety, also season and ripening stage have a major influence on fruit pulp aroma of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)
    by Elsa Hegmann, Wiebke Niether, Christina Rohsius, Wilbert Phillips and Reinhard Lieberei
  • Reinhard Lieberei − Die Gabe, vernetzt zu denken
    by Petra Schwarz
  • Directed Inoculum Production of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – the state of the art
    by Falko Feldmann and Carolin Schneider
  • The biochemistry of cocoa flavor - A holistic analysis of its development along the processing chain
    by Daniel Kadow

Zu den Open Access-Artikeln der Special Section


Bericht aus der Mitglieder-Versammlung

Bericht über die Mitgliederversammlung der Sektion “Angewandte Botanik“ am 17. September 2019 während der Botanikertagung in Rostock

Veröffentlichungen in unserem Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality sind full open access und für Mitglieder unserer Sektion kostenfrei. Das und mehr berichtet unser Sprecher, Prof. Dr. Dirk Selmar, in seiner Zusammenfassung der jüngsten Mitgliederversammlung der Sektion, in der auch das Sprecherteam neu gewählt wurde. Meldungen zu unseren nächsten Tagungen runden die Zusammenfassung ab.


Mitglieder-Versammlung in Rostock

Das Protokoll zur Mitgliederversammlung der Sektion ist im Intranet abzurufen.


Imagewandel der Angewandten Botanik

Anlässlich des Hundertjährigen Jubiläums unserer Fachzeitschrift Journal of Applied Botany berichtet Prof. Dr. Dirk Selmar, Sprecher der DBG-Sektion Angewandte Botanik, über Bedeutung und Image der Angewandten Botanik im Wandel der Zeit und veranschaulicht, wie die Sektion für Angewandte Botanik im Jahr 2015 entstand.
